Three games of 2 bowl triples, each of 11 ends, were played. Players must play in each position, changing each round. It was lovely to hear the chatter and laughter in the club house and all seemed to have an enjoyable day.
Winners: Team 2. Merrylands 3 wins 20 ends Maureen Randell, Julie Rothery, Mary Bridge
Second: Team 6. Umina Beach 3 wins 19 ends Terry Causby, Bev Collins, Merryl Burgmann
Third: Team 21. Avoca Beach 3 wins 18 ends Bev Byrne, Coral Allenby, Alice Diamond
Mystery Prize winners:
Team 23 Umina Beach Gaye Faulkes, Barbara Boundy, Cheryl Catchpool
Team 1 Everglades Gay Hemsey, Roslyn Dawson, Judy Angley
Thank you to all who supported this day.
thanks to Sharon Benfield for photos